Wednesday, December 30, 2015

MA Peers Canine Olfaction Performance

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Thanks to everyone who made it out Sunday for the K9 Nosework Happening in conjunction with M.A.'s show, and thanks to Jimmy Chertkow for taking these awesome pix. There's some talk about restaging the event, due to its popularity, so if you're interested let the Gallery know. But if you want to see the show, this is the last week, and Rosamund's closed New Year's Day, so that leaves Thursday and Saturday.

November 21 - January 2, 2016
Tuesday - Saturday 10am-5pm
1923 S Santa Fe Ave #100
Los Angeles, CA 90021

Images: protecting Taken; pawprint under one of the Georgioni-based abstractions; Grant Mudford and Bobby are introduced to Container searches; M.A. and Chloe work the Interior search

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Friday, December 11, 2015

Recovered from the Void

The demolition team that was doing a partial cleanup while the roofers were replacing the roof on our current home accidentally threw out a few things that weren't supposed to get thrown out, including my 2010 pre-rotted painting-thing Dream House, which I'd actually promised to Constance Mallinson, who actually liked it. Luckily, the crew seems to have disappeared and left their gigantic chockfull construction dumpster on the street in front of the house, and I managed to excavate the work (and a couple of other items) -- now bearing considerable more evidence of the collaborative input from the forces of entropy. To ensure that it will forthwith be recognized as the precious object that it is, I immediately made it into the latest installment in my "Gildings" series. Behold!